Oil and Gas

Marine Transportation



Occupations - More Info

Title: Petroleum Engineer

Definition: Petroleum engineers deal with the production of hydrocarbons (crude oil or natural gas). They develop more effective, cost-efficient methods of petroleum recovery using chemistry, mathematics, engineering, and geology. Types of petroleum engineers include reservoir engineers (monitor geological formation for the best method of extraction), drilling engineers (generate models of the drilling formation and equipment for extraction) and production engineers (manage the interface between drilling and extraction by managing machinery and production costs).

Definition (More Info):
Stats Canada
Encyclopaedia Britannica

Education Program:
There are no undergraduate degree programs for Petroleum engineering in Atlantic Canada.
Masters program
MUN Master of Applied Science in Oil and Gas Engineering (M.A.Sc.(OGE))

First Credential: Bachelors degree in related engineering field (such as Chemical or Process engineering) usally required to be admitted to a Masters of Petroleum (or Oil and Gas) engineering

Salary Range:
• Canada (Mar 2021): Entry low=$60 ,000. Entry median=$91,000

Salary (More Info):
• Payscale: Petroleum Engineer

Related Specialties:
Reservoir engineer, Drilling engineer, Production engineer, Chemical engineer, Process engineer

Professional Associations:
Society of Petroleum Engineers Canada (SPE)
Student Society of Petroleum Engineers (SSPE), MUN
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum (CIM)
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, & Petroleum Engineers

Other Resources:


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