Occupations - More Info
Title: Mathematician
Definition: Mathematicians find patterns, and then capture and explore those patterns in mathematical language: functions and equations. The precise language of mathematics allows its users to discover new and useful things about the natural and constructed world in which we live.
Definition (More Info):
Wikipedia: Mathematics
Science Buddies - Mathematician
Education Program: Undergraduate programs
• MUN - Mathematics & Statistics
First Credential: Bachelors degree
Salary Range: Canada (Jan 2021): Low: $31,000. Median: $49,000.
Salary (More Info):
Payscale: Mathematician
Related Specialties: Mathematical biologist, Statistician, Financial analyst, Software developer, Artificial intelligence developer, Epidemiologist, Virtual reality developer, Software or Computer Engineer, Climate scientist, Oceanographer, Cyber sleuth.
Professional Associations: CA Industrial & Applied Mathematics Society; CA Mathematical Society
; Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics
Other Resources: Math at Work; Resources for Women in Mathematics