Occupations - More Info
Title: Agricultural Engineer
Definition: Agricultural engineers deal with the design of farm machinery, the location and planning of farm structures, farm drainage, soil management and erosion control. They are involved with land development, water supply and irrigation, rural electrification, the processing of farm products, the mechanization and automation of livestock farming, and with the efficient planting, harvesting, storage, and processing of farm commodities.
Definition (More Info):
• Eco-Canada – Agricultural Engineer
Education Program: An undergraduate degree in Agricultural engineering is not available in Atlantic Canada.
First Credential: Generally a graduate degree is required.
Salary Range:
• PEGNL Mean Salary (2015): Agricultural/Biological = $91,000.
Salary (More Info):
• Engineers Canada 2015 Salary Survey, Atlantic Region
Related Specialties:
Biological Engineer
Professional Associations:
• Canadian Society for Engineering in Agricultural, Food and Biological systems (CSBE - SCGAB)
• Agricultural Institute of Canada (AIC)
Other Resources:
• Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC)